Tuesday, May 30, 2006

arthur magazine bitchslaps godsmack

arthur mag interview with sully erna

this isn't exactly stephen colbert at the white house correspondents dinner, but man, is it satisfying to read as a liberal music-lover. i recommend you just click on it, but basically, arthur magazine's jay babcock responded to a request from godsmack's publicity to interview the band by taking them to task for the navy's use of their songs in recruuting commercials. is babcock a little hard on erna? hell yes. is erna a millionaire living fat off the profits from music which is not only atrociously derivative and bereft of originality but also being used to promote the military unquestioningly? yes.

i don't think it's wrong for anyone to decide to join the military, and i support anyone who makes that decision with full knowledge of what they're risking. what i do have a problem with is people who lend their support without even really knowing what they support.

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